How to report problems in the Vytal app

Easily Resolve Container Issues and Partner Questions in the App

You may have noticed that our app has undergone some updates. Now, you can report issues related to your containers or a partner more easily within the app. Once you submit a report, you will receive a message (either in the app or via email) with further instructions. Your request will then be sent to our support team, and we will take care of the rest.

Reporting an Issue with a Container

  1. Go to "Currently Borrowed" and then tap "Show More".
  2. If the issue involves multiple containers, go to the borrowed containers overview and tap the "Help" button (top right corner) to report the issue and select multiple containers.
  3. If the problem concerns a single container, tap the arrow next to the affected container and then tap "Help" (top right corner).
  4. In this section, you can also extend the borrowing period for €1 if the free two-week period isn’t enough or find return options nearby.

For purchased containers, follow the same process, but instead of finding them under "Currently Borrowed", look under "Purchased". Please report issues with purchased containers as soon as possible, as we may not be able to track or process them after a long delay.

We require some key information to understand the problem and, if necessary, determine where and when you returned the container. The app will guide you through providing these details.

You can report the following container issues:

  • Return issues (container rejected, untrained staff, app/phone/internet issues, incorrect information in the app).
  • Returned but still listed in your account.
  • Returned but charged to your account.
  • Damaged container (QR code issue, partial damage, or entire container damaged).
  • Lost container.
  • Other issues (if none of the above apply).

Reporting an Issue with a Partner

To report an issue with a partner:

  1. Tap the second menu item at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Find the partner location in question.
  3. Tap the arrow next to their name and select “Report a Problem” (top right corner).

By reporting an issue this way, the complaint is directly linked to the partner, and we have all the information needed to follow up with them.

You can report the following partner issues:

  • Return issues (container rejected, untrained staff, app/phone/internet issues, incorrect app information).
  • Incorrect app details (opening hours, address, no longer participating in Vytal).
  • Delivery issues (delivered in disposable packaging, spilled container, plastic bag used).
  • Other issues (if none of the above apply).

Reporting an Issue with an Order

  1. Tap the last icon in the bottom menu.
  2. Go to "My Orders".
  3. Select the order in question by tapping the arrow next to it.
  4. Scroll down and tap "Report a Problem".

Providing Detailed Issue Reports

Please describe the issue as accurately as possible to help us resolve it quickly. If you report an issue under "Other" when there is a specific category available, we may need to request additional details, which can delay processing.

General Information

  • Your six-digit Vytal delivery code is displayed in the center of the home screen, above the "Borrow" and "Return" options.
  • Under "Borrow" and "Show QR Code", you will find your personal QR code.
  • You can also scan bowls yourself and show the confirmation at the location.
  • If a partner forgets to scan your borrowed container, you can scan it yourself using the Self-Scan function.

If an extension request fails, please check and update your payment method.

You can adjust the frequency of return reminders under "Notifications". Here, you can also subscribe or unsubscribe from insider updates and newsletters.

For additional help, tap the last icon in the bottom menu and check the "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) section.

Deleting Your Account

You can delete your account under "My Profile" → "Delete Account". However, if you're experiencing issues, we encourage you to reach out to us first.

Help Us Improve

We continuously strive to improve our app and system, and we truly value your feedback. We hope you will help us advance our reusable system and contribute to a world free of unnecessary plastic.

🌍 Let’s bowl together! 🎉